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  <your background>
1.Q Tell me about the first time you can remember being thrilled.
1.A Running and falling in the snow when I was a toddler.
2.Q What's been your most frightening thrill ever?
2.A Can't remember.
3.Q What's the smallest or slightest thing to have thrilled you?
3.A A touch.
4.Q Tell me why you're not a sensible person.
4.A I wish I could.
5.Q What were you doing the last time you were really bored?
5.A Sitting at my computer at work, just before I started this questionnaire.
6.Q What's the most uninhibited thing you've ever done?
6.A Giving birth.
7.Q What things have you considered doing for thrill, but were too concerned about the risks?
7.A Rally driving. Taking drugs.


  <your thrill>
  To answer these next 14 questions, you should think about a particular time you were thrilled.
9.Q Describe this thrill in a nutshell, in one sentence. (there's time to expand later)
9.A Childbirth
10.Q Where and when did it take place?
10.A In a maternity ward, in the early hours of the morning
11.Q Tell me a bit about yourself around this time.
11.A I was physically well, mentally prepared, and very excited.


12.Q How did the moment arise? Was it planned?
12.A The pregnancy was planned (my second), I had 9 months of preparation, plus I was two weeks overdue, and had to be induced, so I was feeling more than ready for the event. I was determined to register every feeling and moment, as my first labour had been very druggy and out-of-this world, and this was likely to be my last.


13.Q List the sequence of events leading up to your thrill, and how you felt at each stage. The smallest detail could be important (this is your chance to expand).

A After a very long wait I went into hospital in the early morning to have labor induced. Things got underway, then I was told that the delivery suite was full up and that they wouldn't let me go to the next stage, I'd have to stay in overnight and hope things were quieter the next day. In the middle of the night I was woken and told that there was finally a slot for me if I wanted to go for it, which I did.

The hospital was a different place at night, no noisy visitors, low lights and hushed voices - much more exciting. The midwife inspired confidence and talked me through each stage so I felt in control. She and my husband discussed course fishing, watched a football match, David Attenborough talking about monkeys with subtitles, and other bizarre programmes that are only shown in the early morning, and contributed to the feeling of being in a parallel universe. I felt more and more detached from the other people in the room.

The labour pains and experience felt so personal to me and so all-consuming that my world closed in, time expanded and contracted. To get through the peaks of pain I found myself concentrating on the smallest and closest things, my glitter nail-varnish, the sound of my breathing. Every effort meant I was closer to seeing my baby, and relief.

14.Q At the exact moment of thrill, how did your mind and body feel?
14.A When the midwife told me I could feel the baby's head for myself it was the most wondrous moment and the culmination of the escalation of pain and physical exertion, I was shaking and emotionally overwhelmed.
15.Q What thoughts were going through your head?
15.A Unbelievable love. Enormous relief that the tremendous effort was over, but no thought for the physical condition I was in, the pain seemed to have vanished in the massive release of endorphins.
16.Q What did you do immediately afterwards?
16.A Held my baby close and laughed and cried.


17.Q What were the most likely things that could have put you off going through with it?
17.A Nothing, certainly not the pain, which I think is an integral part of the momentous experience


18.Q How were other people important to your thrill?
18.A My husband and the midwife were there and obviously helped practically, but the experience was personal to me, they were essentially spectators.
19.Q What do you imagine other people were thinking throughout your thrilling episode?
19.A Family knew I was in labour. I imagine they were thinking of the possible complications, and also seeing the new addition to the family. Not the physical sensations of giving birth.
20.Q Some people probably don't understand how such a thing can thrill you; explain it to them.
20.A Nothing is more life-changing and miraculous. It's certainly painful, but it's a pain you've chosen to experience, and you know it's finite.


21.Q Why were certain objects or equipment important to your thrill?
21.A They weren't.


22.Q If you've done something like this before, how does the last time compare to the first time you did it?
22.A My first labour had problems and was lengthy, so physical exhaustion and drugs meant that I couldn't focus inwards and felt out of control and desperate.
23.Q If you did it again, what things could be added or changed to make it even better?
23.A Nothing about it could have been more thrilling.


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